6 Ways to Awaken Your Creative Genius

imagesIncase you missed my last post about how to powerfully complete 2014, check it out.  After emptying and completing 2014 through my own reflection, ritual, and massive cleaning and letting go- new energy has opened up inside. My energy leaks have been handled and healed, giving me permission to focus my attention on what matters most: my purpose, health, and relationships.

Now that you’re making a new beginning for yourself in 2015, you might notice overwhelm or fear surrounding the possibilities that lie ahead. 

When you’re stuck in fear or self-doubt, it’s easy to forget how powerful you are. When you’re stressed, there’s no way to access your creativity because the hormone cortisol triggers your “fight or flight” response which shuts down your brain functions for problem-solving and imagination.

Here are 6 ways to awaken your creative genius when you’re feeling stuck. 

1. Move your body.
When you work out or dance, your body flushes out cortisol and your pituitary gland releases endorphins to activate your creativity.  When you notice stress come up, take a break and choose a fun workout. If you don’t have a ton of time, put on a crazy song and dance! Shake up your frustrations and notice the creative ideas that you stir as a result. Some of my best ideas have been conceived after Ecstatic Dance in Oakland, California.

2. Bring bloodflow to your brain.

Go upside down! Do a (safe) headstand or go into downward dog. Bring blood-flow to your brain and get a new perspective. When I’m stuck inside writer’s block or stress, I turn the energy around with a headstand every. single. time. In fact my last headstand inspired this post! I was spinning in fear and after one minute upside down, I was on the computer typing up a storm. Can’t do a headstand? Here are other safe options that have the same benefit.

3. Emotional release.
Give yourself permission to feel what you’re feeling and cry it out. Crying is essential for the release of blocked creativity and it’s perfectly healthy! We are feminine beings, and like the ocean we need to surrender to our waves and currents. Long ago I wanted to be a doula, and in my studies I learned that rapid progress in birth is often made after an emotional release. One woman was dilated at 3 cm and was told that she couldn’t birth her baby without pitocin or emergency measures. She had a good cry, and 20 minutes later pushed her baby out at full dilation. Her crying caused a release which allowed her cervix to open. Am I inviting you to give birth to a baby? Nope, but your crying might give birth to the creative project that the world is waiting for.

4. Have faith.
Faith trumps fear. Have faith in yourself and surrender to your higher power. Pray for a miracle. Pray to be shown the light. When you are open to a miracle, the support shows up in the strangest of places because you’re open to receiving. Believe that you will get there and surrender.

5. Help someone. 
Contribution ends suffering. When you help someone, you get out of your own s#it and into a space of generosity and support. This activates your kindness, your love, and your connection. You’re not alone anymore, and you’re using your gifts for good.

6. Simmer.
Let your ideas simmer and rest. The best form of simmering in my opinion takes place in a hot tub, sauna, or on a massage table. Taking exquisite care of yourself must be non-negotiable if you want to be an agent for change. When you’re taken care of and working from a space of self-love, your survival energies are eased and your gifts get to thrive from a calm place of flow… and feminine creatures are meant to flow!

Are you ready to find your purpose? Do you want to fall in love with yourself and transform your insecurities into your strengths? I’m here to support you in unleashing your creativity so your gifts can be expressed with purpose and passion. My 2015 calendar has opened up for private coaching, and it would be my honor to support you in creating the BEST year of your life.  To schedule a free discovery session and my team will get back to you to schedule a call with me.

I’m so excited to see what you create for yourself this year and look forward to hearing from you.

All my love,

For information on my upcoming workshops, click the links below:
New Beginnings January 25th
Celebration of Woman: February 26th- March 1. Early discount to save $200 ends next week!

How to Complete the Past

new-beginningsHappy New Year, beautiful!

January is my favorite time of year to let go of what no longer serves me so I can step into the new year with empowerment and clarity. I’ve included three rituals for you use to complete 2014 so you can welcome the best year of your life from a clear and empty space. At the end of this post, you will find the details for my one-day New Beginnings Workshop which will be held in Lafayette, California on January 25th. This workshop is the perfect space for you to let go of the past and create 2015 with commitment and inspiration.

Rituals to Complete the Past

1. Create a Year in Review: What about 2014 are you grateful for? Gratitude turns problems into gifts, chaos into peace, confusion into clarity, and the surprises into perfect timing.

Go through your 2014 Calendar and honor your experiences, challenges, and accomplishments month by month. Where did you choose love? What did you accomplish this past year that you would like to celebrate? What are your favorite memories that you never want to forget? Write down your accomplishments in your journal, and celebrate your abundance, generosity, love, and growth.

2. Let Go: Letting go is the path to freedom. As we let go, the tender ground of honesty, healing and love will carry us through the world. To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the upset and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit.

This is your chance to consider the behavior, beliefs or habits of 2014 that you would like to leave behind. What negative beliefs no longer serve you?  What bitterness is still in your heart? What pain are you ready to say goodbye to? Write what you’re letting go of on small slips of paper, and burn each fear, belief, or painful circumstance in a fire. Watch your past disappear. Honor this process with a bow or a prayer, asking the Divine for love, guidance, and support in completion.

3. Create Space: Creating space allows new energy channels of abundance, love, spirituality and creativity to flow.  When your life is cluttered, your creative energies are blocked as well.

Now that you have completed your past emotionally, now you get to complete the past physically. This week I invite you to create space by eliminating energy drains. Tackle your home and let go of any items that no longer serve you. Donate clothes that you haven’t worn in a year to charity. Throw away expired spices and foods from the pantry. Do parts of your home bring up overwhelm, avoidance, and/or claustrophobia? Are there drawers that you refuse to open because of clutter and disorganization? Take action and face what needs to be faced. A whole new world is on the other side of this organization and completion.

Want to complete 2014 inside a safe and loving community? My next one-day workshop, is coming up on January 25th.   This New Beginnings workshop is designed for you to complete the past so you can step into 2015 with commitment, inspiration, and clarity. This experiential workshop is an intimate space for you to transform your desires into realities so your New Years resolutions actually stick.  From an empty and celebrated space, you will create the best year of your life with brothers and sisters to support you along the way. The space is limited, so please get your deposit in soon to reserve your space! If you have any questions, please feel free to email my team at Chrissy@new.chrissybradysmith.com and we will support you as soon as possible.

All my love,

5 Ways to Handle Your Holiday Blues

dog-with-holiday-blues1Hey Beautiful,

For much of the world, the holiday season is a time of family, celebration, and abundance. You may love this time of year and cherish every blessing this season brings, and if that’s the case, I’m so happy for you!! I am in a different category. The holidays have this remarkable way of bringing up what I need to see.  I mostly feel overwhelm, sadness, and exhaustion during this time of year.

Every December, year after year,  I notice myself asking “Why?”

Why am I different? Why is this time of year so hard?

When I tune into my Internal Sanctuary of Awareness: a term I’ve coined as the temple of my truth, my gut and soul; I notice how useless those questions are. Those questions are forms of resistance created by the ego, the structure designed to keep me out of the present moment. When I drop into “what’s so” in real time with total acceptance, my truth is: The holidays are hard for me. That’s it. No story. No drama. “Why” doesn’t matter when I have the truth.

If you are anything like me and find yourself experiencing anxiety, overwhelm, or sadness during the holidays, I have some useful tips for you.

Tip #1
Your suffering ends when you accept where you’re at and let yourself off the hook.
When those thoughts of “why” take you down the rabbit hole of shame by making yourself wrong, you have been hijacked by your ego. Questioning where you’re at is a form of resistance, and resistance is the nemesis to self-love and presence. What you resist persists. Compassionately accept where you’re at and find love ASAP. Love yourself madly and give yourself a break! Have a good cry and give yourself permission to be where you are.

Tip #2
Find connection.
Suffering happens in isolation. The human spirit is meant for connection! Even though I was surrounded by friends and family this holiday season, I kept my overwhelming thoughts to myself which isolated me into thinking I was alone in my experience. When I opened up to my mom and boyfriend about the anxiety I was feeling, I felt heard, seen and received. I wasn’t alone anymore.  I was open to connection and I felt so much relief after sharing my truth.

Tip #3
Get crystal clear on what you need and communicate it lovingly and clearly.
I needed alone time! I changed around my holiday plans to get some solo time in before the end of 2014. While I’m outgoing by nature, I’m an introvert at heart. My body, emotions, and mind told me something was off during Christmas, so I listened to my nervous system and chose relaxation and reflection on my own terms instead of going up to my family’s cabin. I’ll be honest, my communication could have been more loving and clear…  Luckily, my wise and loving mother held the space for me to communicate this need with zero guilt. (Love you, Mom!) True power is communicating what you want and what you don’t want lovingly and clearly with zero attachment to the outcome. This communication technique is a skill that I work on every single day, and trust me, I’m a work in progress.

Tip #4
Take action through self-love.
I knew I needed alone time, but more than anything, I needed massive self-love. I decided to commit two days to nourishing my heart, body, and mind with one simple goal of pleasure! I did yoga, meditated A LOT, cooked decadent meals, read on the beach, and then when I was more open to affection and connection with others, I cuddled with my man.

Tip #5
Find inspiration
Yesterday I read Cheryl Strayed’s book, Wild on the beach in SF. This woman speaks her truth with vulnerability and has been a real teacher for me at this point in my life. After death, divorce, drugs, and major self-deprecation, Cheryl commits to finding herself again on the Pacific Crest Trail with zero experience and a heavy backpack of dreams. She makes every mistake in the book on her 3 month hiking journey, but doesn’t give up ONCE on her mission. If this woman could persevere after such loss, I could get through this holiday season. This backpacking trip was Cheryl’s radical expression of self-love and her words inspire me to be the best version of myself.

Where in life are you abandoning your needs and self-care? 
How are you willing to love yourself?

Remember the treasure you are on the planet now. You have a special gift that the world needs. When you’re overworked, stressed or overwhelmed by guilt to please others, your gifts are blocked from their full-expression! Give yourself the gift of self-love and see what opens up for you.

Much love,

My next Retreat is the perfect space to develop self-love for LIFE:
Celebration of Woman, February 26-March 1st in San Luis Obispo.
Early discount to save $200 ends January 15th!

Let’s have a free call to see if this retreat is right for you.


Money Mindset and Freedom

af466661b57837549287086eb0681d29Lesson #3 from Miami: Your Money Mindset is Your Freedom

+ News Years Bonus!

One year ago I made a massive investment in a program to support my business. The cost was 8x my rent. As a result of this purchase I transformed my relationship with money which in turn changed my relationship with the world. This blog post will explain why.

Money is currency and currency is energy.
When I paid for the program, I energetically opened up to my purpose and in turn opened to receiving support, guidance, and today- more money in my bank account than I ever dreamed of as a teacher. Does having money make me selfish, greedy, or bad? Not at all. It has actually made me more generous, more at ease, and more capable of sharing my message with the world. Here’s why.

Money is simply energy, it’s neutral, neither good nor bad. We hear people criticizing money for being immoral, or obsessing over it for being the source of all joy. Neither is true. Just as water is good for you when you’re dehydrated and bad when you don’t have an umbrella- money is merely a neutral force which people can use or misuse. How you use it is what matters.

Investing in Gina’s program represented the conception of my Fearless Purposebrand, an idea that needed a midwife to birth. Gina was my midwife, and I went through the labor, the pains, and self-doubt with the mentor who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. By investing in this program, I transformed my blueprint around money and took the inspired action necessary to live out my purpose. That financial investment fueled my energy to become a thriving transformational coach. Money was simply the exchange to get me where I am today.

Here are some questions I invite you to consider:
What would open up for you if you were totally empowered financially? What would you do if money didn’t stop you? Who would you be? Where would you go?

Maybe it’s impossible to imagine a life being financially empowered.  Maybe it’s easy and you’re ready for it now. I honor wherever you’re at. I used to be so blocked financially that I gave my services away for free because I didn’t want to appear selfish or greedy and my self-worth suffered in the process. I didn’t have the money to take care of my body, and I didn’t have the consciousness to believe in my dreams. When my money channels were blocked- my desires and vitality were blocked too.

What opened up for me as a result of healing my Money Story? I got after my dreams like my hair was on fire. I stopped procrastinating and wasn’t afraid to invest the time, energy and money necessary to build my business as a coach. That included a non-negotiable of self-care including: massages, spa appointments, yoga packages and retreats in hot springs. The bonus? I called in the romantic partner whose values aligned with my own, and today we’re creating a profound partnership based on honesty, support, intimacy, integrity, and joy.

What I wanted in romance was exactly what I wanted with money! When I allowed money to support me, the man showed up to support me as well. When I got intimate with my bank account, I opened up to intimacy in romance. How we do one thing is how we do everything. If you’re struggling with money, chances are your self-worth, survival, and level of belonging is struggling too.

All too often I see women putting their dreams aside because they “don’t have the money.” I stand for women having clean and empowered relationships with their finances so their dreams are no longer stifled due to old stories, tapes and wounds.  I’m here to help you change your money mindset so you can live the life you deserve and long for.

The “financial healing work” I do with women is about your purpose to change the world.

If you want to be a world leader, you have to be able to give and receive money without guilt or shame. We have centuries of oppression to heal ladies!   We carry old money stories and wounds with us every single day. When you stand for your own financial freedom by healing your money story, you stand for the financial freedom of every woman who doesn’t have the resources, voice, literacy, power, or vote to receive her desires and needs. Our transformation is hers as well, and she needs to see you!

Want to start the New Year with total empowerment financially, emotionally, and spiritually? My signature 90 Day Self-Love Program is designed for you to fall in love with every aspect of your life, including your relationship with money. Together we will honor your desires as a woman and create the radical change necessary for you to live an extraordinary life full of purpose and financial freedom.

As a New Year’s bonus, I’m including my new e-Book:  Money, Mindset, Freedom, an interactive course containing 30 pages of process work, journaling prompts, and universal laws to support you in transforming your money story once and for all.

On top of the transformation you will receive in the workbook, you will get 12 weekly 1 hour sessions to anchor in the psychic surgery you perform on your money channels so you can explode your purpose into the world.

Transforming your relationship to money is possible! If me, the struggling preschool teacher who barely made $1k/ month could do it, you can do it too.  I have the formula, the readings, and the guidance to support you in re-writing your money blueprint so you can live a life of purpose and passion NOW.

Do it for you, and do it for every woman on the planet who is waiting for you to shine.

Set up your free 30 minute Discovery Call to find out if I’m the right coach for you in 2015. 

In abundance,

Invest in Your Dream

Gina picLesson #2: Invest in Your Dream 

If you read my last post, you know this weekend I celebrated the completion of an international Certification Program for life coaches and entrepreneurs in Miami, Florida. While I have both Bachelors and Masters Degrees, this program required more energy, time, and focus than any of my previous education. The catch was- I was lit up throughout the process. I was living my purpose fueled by love rather than obligation, burden or pressure. 

It’s easy to say that I’m a completely different woman now. 14 months ago I was on my knees praying for a miracle. I quit my preschool job and wanted to be a coach, but didn’t know for the life of me how to start a business. I had given my services away for free, led donation-based workshops, and didn’t know how to receive compensation for my services without feeling massive amounts of guilt. While I already had a coaching certification, I had no idea how to package my expertise into a coaching business that generated a consistent income.

Little did I know that my “financial blueprint” was in the way.  My core beliefs about money were: Having money would make me a bad and selfish person. Having money would make me unlovable. How did these beliefs (which were out of reality FYI) play out? I’m sure you can guess. I charged close to nothing for my services and grew resentful, tired, and broke.

I was in survival mode 100% of the time which impacted my body, my relationships, and my spirituality. I rarely cared for my body’s needs and suffered in relationships by putting others’ feelings ahead of my own. I didn’t trust the inner wisdom of my true self. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world, but I was stuck, lost, and confused.

Then enter Gina Devee- a Divine Living 7 figure success coach for female entrepreneurs. She showed up in my Facebook newsfeed through a free video series with a message that spoke to all my pain points as a woman on a mission to change the world. I was drawn to her spiritual, feminine, and intuitive leadership. Her mindset contained zero thoughts of burnout or overwhelm and she seemed genuinely happy. Turns out she takes tremendous care of herself and receives massive amounts of wealth in return.

The money she receives isn’t in excess- each dollar has a purpose. She’s clean with money and experiences money as energy. While I was attracted to the business structures she would help me create, my heart was most drawn to her level of wealth consciousness.

I watched one 15 minute video and started to cry knowing I had found the mentor to guide me out of my financial suffering and into the business of my dreams. I needed to work with her. It was a must. Within a couple of days I made the biggest investment in my personal development to date and began a love affair with myself, my tribe, and my purpose. Was it scary making a transaction that was 8x my rent? Of course, but that transaction was my wink to the universe saying that I was ready. Like I said earlier this week, “Your purpose should scare the shit out you.” The investment in your purpose should scare the crap out of you too.

If you have a dream, you have to be willing to invest in it. If you believe it, you will achieve it, and you have to be eager to pay for it. The money I used to fund this dream actually paid for the woman I’ve become in the process. That transaction was as powerful as it was spiritual. Making that payment left an imprint on my soul reminding me that my desires are worth it. I would have paid 10x the amount to be where I am now.

I’ve touched on many themes in this letter to you, themes that are worth excavating later in time (such as wealth consciousness, investing in your dream, and money). I invite now to investigate your own relationship with money.

If you were in a romantic relationship with money, how do you relate to it? Do you cheat? Do you ignore? Are you intimate?  Do you feel supported? Are you terrified? Do you notice yourself getting resentful or angry? Have a think, and keep your eyes peeled for another letter from me with tools to transform your relationship to money. We all have a money story, and every story deserves healing and attention. And in the meantime, I’d love to know what this exercise brings up for you. Please share your thoughts with me commenting below!! 

Until next time, know that your purpose is waiting for you to show up. Keep your visions, actions, and thoughts aligned with your desires, and trust that investing in those dreams is worth it.

Stay tuned for my next lesson on Money, Mindset, and Freedom. You won’t want to miss it. Inside I’ll share my new empowered beliefs about money and the tools you can use to relate to money in an inspired and loving way.

Your Purpose Should Scare the Shit Out of You


Lesson #1 From Miami

Last Wednesday morning, I woke up spinning in fear. 14 months ago I made the biggest financial investment in myself as a transformational coach by registering for a 12 month long coaching and business certification program for women entrepreneurs, and this weekend was our graduation in Miami! This weekend marked our final conference to celebrate with 150 transformational coaches from all over the world. You’d think I’d be more excited to complete this journey, but the truth is, I was FREAKED OUT!

I was terrified. It didn’t help that the biggest storm in 8 years hit San Francisco the night I was supposed to fly, and my thoughts descended into excuses of: “I can’t go… it’s not safe to fly…the flight will cancel anyways so I should stay home…” You get the picture. Thanks to my training in mindfulness and transformation, I got back to reality and realized the core message of my fear.

“You’re not good enough.” Simple as that.

Ok. Got it fear. I hear you loud and clear. But the truth is, those maddening thoughts aren’t real. They come from my ego, a thought structure designed to keep us safe. I was expanding and growing out of my limiting fear system, and in turn my ego went bonkers.

If you’ve read my Fear to Fire workbook, you know that fear is rarely a response to what is happening in the moment. It feeds off memories from the past or worries about the future. It has a paralyzing, frozen quality. That’s where I was last Wednesday. I was frozen in fear responding to an old story of not being good enough.

This story started when I was six years old. I struggled in school and told myself over and over again that I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, or strong enough to succeed. I spent most of my childhood worried that I wouldn’t receive love from my teachers and peers due to my learning disabilities. Those fears were deeply triggered before I left for Miami, as I was afraid of feeling unworthy next to 150 successful life coaches with 6 figure businesses. My 6 year old comparisons fueled my ego into (almost) staying safe in San Francisco.

We have an opportunity in every moment to transform our fear into love. Fear can’t operate when love is present. I loved my inner 6 year old who was afraid to show up, and loved my present 28 year old self who had a big dream. I decided to trust my true self, the empowered part of me that bought the plane ticket to Miami and invested in a program that changed my life. I followed my fear straight to Miami, got on my flight despite the storm, and trusted that this fear was too powerful to ignore. Getting to Miami was a powerful act of self-love. Love trumps fear every. single. time.

I let my fear lead me out of the darkness and into the light.

When we dig into our fear, we unleash our courage. I got to Miami safe and sound, and made the commitment to be brave. I went to the microphone multiple times to share about my accomplishments. I didn’t give into old stories of not being good enough in comparison to my peers. I shared my success with love and confidence, and celebrated the accomplishments of others with my whole heart! There’s no shortage of achievement in this world, and when we celebrate the greatness of others, our own power expands in return.

The moral of this story: your purpose should the scare the shit out of you.

Follow your fear like it’s your job. If you want to live with purpose and empowerment, make sure that your actions push you out of your comfort zone.- that’s where the magic happens. Playing safe keeps you stagnant, and I know you want to come alive with extraordinary direction and passion. Let your fear ignite you out of the ordinary and into the legendary life you long for.

All my love,


How to Thrive When Things Suck

Last year, the jolly month of December turned into a difficult winter of tragedy and loss. I’m reminded of that time now because another friend lost his life, and I’m noticing the memories and pain flooding my heart again. Years ago, when faced with these painful emotions, I would numb out through prescription medication, drinking, or total avoidance through TV and other distractions. I kept my emotions inside. As you can guess, those methods didn’t help me at all and only made my pain worse. Here’s why.

Emotions are meant to move. The root of the word is from the French Emouvoir, to move.  Not only does it take TONS of energy to keep your emotions hidden inside, but denying them have harmful effects on your body and spirit (such as depression, insomnia, anxiety, or addictions). Then when you least expect it, those suppressed emotions get triggered and you find yourself acting out in ways that don’t align with your highest good. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Here are 3 ways to deal with your pain in healthy and responsible ways:

1. Welcome your pain.  As human beings we all have emotions and it’s important to give them space, even when your emotions are painful. This guided “Welcoming Meditation”  is an opportunity to welcome what is. Find a sacred space, and make a commitment to focus in on your uncomfortable emotion for 5-20 minutes. Some uncomfortable emotions might be fear, sadness, jealousy, anger, anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, or grief etc.

  • The first step of this meditation is feeling your emotion instead of pushing it away. Feeling the sensations of that emotion in your body.
  • The second step is welcoming it and accepting it by saying in your mind’s eye, “welcome <insert emotion>.” Surround your emotion with love and compassion.
  • Go back and forth between steps one and two as long as it takes until the overwhelming quality of that feeling subsides.
  • The third step is surrender, saying in your mind’s eye, “I let go of control. I let go of the desire to change.”
  • The final step is letting go. If you can’t let it go, go through this whole meditation again. When you’re ready, say in your mind’s eye “I let go of <emotion>,” and watch it float away.

2. Turn your pain into art. Now that you have faced and felt your pain, you can free your pain through creativity. Choose any medium you desire. Watercolor, acrylics, sketching, etc.  One method that works wonders for me and my clients is collaging. This is where you give your emotion a voice, expression, and color. For every pain or uncomfortable emotion, find an image associated with it, and cut and glue each image, emotion by emotion onto a piece of paper. The result is two-fold: you get a beautiful art piece, and you get to witness your pain in a contained art-form outside yourself. National Geographic is a great magazine to use.

3. Emotional Release. This is probably the most important step: letting your emotions move. Give yourself permission to release your emotions through crying, (safely) punching your pillows, or even screaming into a pillow. If you feel resistant to doing this, I get it. This probably sounds ridiculous. But the truth is, the greater the resistance, the greater the wound.  Put on a song that evokes your emotion at hand, and give yourself the space to let go. Feel your body and it’s natural impulse, and then let it out. Stay fully present during this process; before, during and after. It’s called emotional release for a reason- you’ll feel a great amount of relief after just 90 seconds of crying, punching, or screaming. By moving your emotions, you free up your energy and create new space inside. 

My next retreat, Celebration of Woman, is the safest space to explore your emotions as a woman. It’s here that you will fall in love with yourself by releasing everything that holds you back from being happy and at peace. It was there that I found my freedom and in turn, my purpose as a women’s empowerment coach. It’s February 26th – March 1st in San Luis Obispo, California. To learn more about this workshop, I’m happy to have a free 30 minute consultation with you. To schedule your free call, sign up here.

It takes courage to feel your emotions, and I acknowledge you for exploring new ways to thrive, even when things suck.

The Practice of Gratitude

d5a59bfbb55ba6bd7cc31ff75be52f39Here in the States, the month of November always reminds me to be grateful. 

Experiencing gratitude is one of the most effective ways of getting in touch with your soul. When you’re in touch with your soul you eavesdrop on the wisdom of the universe. Gratitude is a super power. Gratitude is a major pillar of my coaching practice because it connects us to the present moment and pushes fear out of the way.  You can’t have fear and gratitude at the same time. When we practice gratitude, we have no choice but to embrace the wisdom of uncertainty.

Last week I led a workshop on Gratitude, and I included these questions in a guided meditation. I invite you to find some quiet time for yourself to explore these questions so you can fully experience all you have to be grateful for.

1. What relationships do you have that you cherish? Do you have an animal that you shower with affection? Is there a relationship that fills you? Let those relationships float into your awareness, and with your loving heart, I invite you to thank them energetically.

2. Who are your champions, defenders, and supporters? Who are your teammates in life? Who is out there rooting for you? With your gentle heart, send those teammates energetic love and gratitude now..

3. Notice how the universe has tested you lately.  What challenges are you facing? With grateful awareness, what are the gifts of these challenges? What lessons have you learned?

4. What special gifts do you offer the world? Your community? Your family? Notice the lives you’ve touched just by being you. What gifts are you thankful for in yourself?

I am deeply thankful for you. Because of women like you, I get to practice my purpose DAILY. Your heart is the reason I get up in the morning. 

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! If you don’t celebrate this holiday, I invite you to celebrate YOURSELF and the many contributions you bring to the world.

May you and all beings be happy,


The Juiciest Apples Go Through the Harshest Winters

This weekend I staffed and helped facilitate a retreat for men. Yes, you heard it, men. Sure I’m a women’s empowerment coach and my practice primarily focuses on women, but I firmly believe that women’s healing cannot happen without the help of present, healed, and loving men. This Noble Man workshop is a three-and-a-half-day intensive for men who wish to heal their issues with women. It is a profound process of receiving support and honoring from experienced women holding an unconditional space of acceptance and love. Healing isn’t a one-way street. For transformation to stick we need to pay it forward and contribute, and that’s why 20 women stepped up this weekend to support the healing of MAN.

Our Celebration of Being workshops invite the WHOLE human experience. All is welcome. Seriously. This weekend I witnessed men bring it all. Their pain, their anger, their wounds, and their longing. The other side of their wounds and defenses were masculine power, strength, and mighty love. It was a privilege for me as a woman to witness the other side of the human race with fresh eyes.

I learned so much about men and women this weekend, and I want to share an analogy with you that might help you better understand the human condition.

Human beings are like chocolate chip cookies. Think about the ingredients. There are the sweet ingredients like sugar and chocolate chips, but you also need salt, flour, and baking soda. Those ingredients on their own are fowl to taste, but without them, the chocolate chip cookie isn’t complete. The eggs are a mess, but necessary to keep the dough together. As human beings, we need all of our ingredients to be whole. We need our happiness of course, but we also need our sadness, our anger, our envy, our pain, and our fear. We need balance, or we’ll fall apart!

When we suppress our feelings, we are also suppressing their polar opposite.  When we are REAL with our emotions, we reveal our potential. Intimately knowing your fear allows you to unleash your true depth of courage. Exposing any hatred in your heart will open up your unconditional capacity to love. If you deny your ugliness, you lesson your beauty. If you deny your greed, you reduce your generosity.

Digging into your darkness will EXPLODE your light. That’s what the men taught me this weekend.

Did you know that the juiciest apples go through the harshest winters? If you are having a tough time right now, I invite you to be present with your experience and feel it fully because your radiant potential is around the corner. I have personally gone through some pretty cruel winters, and my life is full of delight now because I faced those challenges head on. Do I still feel pain, sorrow, anger, and isolation? You betcha! But I allow it. I don’t resist it. The other side of winter is the Spring, the time of rebirth, renewal, and sunshine. Our joy needs our sadness as much as the sun needs the moon. Honor your total human experience.

Back to the cookie analogy.

Cookies can’t bake without incredibly harsh heat, and they can’t form into solid cookies without sitting in stillness at room temperature. Like cookies, we need time to integrate. Our transformation takes time! When we’re impatient and try to eat the cookie straight out of the oven, not only do we burn our mouths, but the cookie falls apart. We need to be patient with ourselves so we can stay solid, healthy, and connected.  We need to sit in stillness by breathing and allowing. There is NO rush.

Embrace your bitterness. Embrace your loneliness. Embrace your struggle. Be where you are with compassion.  When you shine light on your darkness, your shadows no longer hide. It’s like lighting a candle in a dark room.  Let your pain lead you out of the darkness and into your purpose.

One more nugget I’d love to share with you. If you want present and loving men in your life, YOU have to be loving and present with yourself. When women show up inside their birthright of unconditional love, men are called forth to be their authentic, powerful selves.  When you shine your light, the light in others will reach for yours.

Your light weeds out those who are not ready to see it.  Whether you are attracted to men or women, your counterpart will show up when they see the real you. You don’t have to search; you don’t even have to try. All you have to do is fill your reservoir with love, compassion, and purpose, and shine on.

The world is waiting for you to show up on this planet with undefended love and passion. I want to share my formula with you so your light can finally be seen by those who need it the most. If you’re ready to transform your pain into purpose by giving radical self-love a shot,  let’s have a FREE 30 minute Discovery Session. I’m waiting for you, sister.

Shine on,

30 Days of Mindfulness Challenge

Hey gorgeous, I have exciting news!

CBS - web-4-1Do you want to experience mental, emotional, and physical peace DAILY?

Do you want to learn different ways to meditate and create a sustainable meditation practice? 

Do you want to find gratitude in all things and discover the secret to true happiness?

An awesome company in San Francisco has hired me to create a 30 Days of Mindfulness Challenge! I’ve designed a 30 day practice for you to cultivate different activities into your life to make you happier. You’ll find videos, guided meditations and journaling prompts to bring more awareness into your life all accessed through an app on your phone!




To participate in the challenge (for FREE) click here: https://www.lift.do/plans/348667-30-days-to-mindfulness

If you want one-on-one support from me throughout the challenge for just $14.99 per week, click here: 


I have combined my 6 years of transformational training in meditation, life coaching, and other healing modalities for you to get a taste of the coaching I offer at a ridiculously affordable price! There are already 564 people participating in the challenge and it won’t be the same without you there!  

Here’s what you can expect: 

Week 1 is all about Meditation. I recorded a sampler of 7 different guided meditions for you to try which will quiet your mind, soothe your emotions, and relax your body.

Week 2 is on self-awareness and gratitude. This is where you will write in your journal and activate the creative side of your brain by finding gratitude in all things, even the challenges.

Week 3 is about self-care and self-love. Mindfulness won’t stick if you don’t take care of yourself. This is a profound week for you to exquisitely love yourself, all of yourself.

Week 4 is all about giving and receiving. This is a beautiful week to take full responsibility for the energy you give and receive in this world.  This week has the capacity to change your life forever.

Bonus:  Mastering your fear. My favorite subject. These final two challenges will support you in relating to your fear as your power.

Can’t wait to see you there!

All my love,