What is Somatic Empowerment?
Imagine spending an entire month alone with yourself, and cherishing every minute of your experience. Where you are your own best friend and most supportive companion. You show up for yourself as the parent you always needed. Instead of beating yourself up when you make a mistake, you're able to laugh with yourself in amusement and kindness. You feel safe to crumble in your own arms, because you trust the Bigger Picture that all will be well. I call this path, Somatic Empowerment. Your body has a natural intelligence that's waiting for your attention. I don't have your answers, but I might have the right process to guide you back home.
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My Stand.

Dear friend, I’m up very late tonight because my heart is heavy and my blood is on fire. Something you might not know about me is that I used to be a teacher. I taught in kindergarten and preschool classrooms, and I have a Masters Degree in Urban Education and Social Justice. In my first …
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Dear friend, Last week I learned this lesson: I’m more likely to hurt myself & others when I’m not fully present. I made a quick video about my experience. Click the image below to watch. I sprained my ankle last week because I wasn’t connected to my body. If had been practicing somatic awareness, I would …
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Fully present.Savoring the moment with all of my senses.Salt. Warmth. Flow. The waves dance against my skin. Life is gentle. The wind is soft.I absorb Father Sun’s glow on my face and recharge with His last light of day. Thank you. What a kiss!I cherish Mother Earth and say yes to her mystery. Yes yes …
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