My Story

73246_10100168359498023_2512660_nI had an “ah-ha!” moment this afternoon while walking home from Yoga. The realization sounded something like this: “I love my life.”  I now go to yoga at any time of day that I desire, I’m lit up and inspired by my work, I get plenty of sleep, I have an incredible boyfriend, and I have the time to nourish my body with self-care and self-love. The truth is, my life is radically different than it used to be. I used to dread waking up in the morning because I was painfully busy, overworked, and living without purpose. I feel called to share a glimpse of my story with you, and hope it can inspire you to welcome radical change into your life as well.

My coaching journey began as a teacher, where I taught in elementary and university level classrooms across Northern California and East Africa. My mission was to create the safest space possible for my students to discover their own unique gifts and heal any insecurities holding them back from stepping into their power and expressing their truth.

Unfortunately, my light began to burn out in this profession; I felt overworked and underpaid. After a period of soul reckoning and transformation,  I realized being a school teacher no longer aligned with my purpose to support others in healing and empowerment. I also realized that my relationship of 4 years no longer aligned with our highest good. I took two huge risks just over a year and a half ago,  and the results were two break ups. I broke up with my teaching profession and broke up with my boyfriend.  I entered a new phase of transition, grief, and letting go.  As hard as this time was,  I’m clear that closing these doors created new beginnings for me as a woman and leader. New Beginnings are what I stand for as a women’s empowerment coach, and I believe every waking moment is a chance to turn our lives around for the better.

During my “soul reckoning”  I surrounded myself with communities and spaces that encouraged me to honor my intuitive wisdom. From women’s circles, to romance coaching, to workshops and seminars- I learned how to open myself to the power of manifestation through meditation and prayer. I now believe anything is possible, and it starts with something as simple as a positive thought. I visualized myself as a women’s empowerment coach and trusted the whispers that were steering me out of the teaching profession. I visualized calling in my soul mate and got crystal clear on the qualities I was looking for in a partner. I refused to settle for anything less than extraordinary. In just one year, I manifested each of these thoughts into realities, and today I’m living out my purpose as a transformational coach and blessed to be in the relationship of my dreams.

I said NO to what no longer served me and YES to myself. Saying yes to my soul’s mission gave me permission to listen to my deepest wisdom as a woman, the wisdom of my true self. My purpose found me because I was open and available to receiving guidance and support.  It is now my greatest honor to support other women inside their own soul reckonings, where ends are new beginnings and progress is part of the struggle.

Who I became in the process of ending my teaching career and relationship is something I wouldn’t give up for the world. As Cynthia Occelli says:

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would like like complete destruction.”

For you to achieve YOUR greatest expression, I invite you to welcome change and come undone, even if it’s painful and looks like utter destruction to someone looking in.

If you are ready for your own new beginning, let’s have a FREE 30 minute Discovery Session where we can give your intuition a voice and map out the life of your dreams. To set this up, email my team at, SUBJECT: Discovery Session.

To your new beginning,


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