An Empowered Woman….

0a84cf0ca0e1c3c4182f3b0bca80b5e8If you’re reading this post, chances are you already live with empowerment. You’re courageous, passionate, powerful and loving.

Empowered women embody specific traits that make them stand out in the world. Their power is magnetic and their desires are fierce.

An empowered woman’s strongest muscle is love; she takes full responsibility for her life. She is not a victim, but a warrior seeking love and acceptance in every circumstance.

Every Monday you will receive a different trait of an empowered woman from me. Today is your first one, and after Valentine’s Day I figured this topic would be appropriate.

If you were single or in a relationship this past weekend, this consumer holiday might have stirred something up for you. Thriving on Valentine’s Day involves a quality of Celebration.

If you’re single and celebrated yourself and the loving couples in your life, you attracted love and happiness into your life. If you were bitter, sad and isolated, you attracted those energies into your experience. The couples who thrived on Valentine’s Day celebrated their relationships, the couples who fought focused their energies on unattainable expectations or drama.

Without further adieu, here is your first tip on how to be an empowered woman…..

Tip #1 
An empowered woman embodies celebration. 

  • She believes there is no shortage of greatness in the world. When she celebrates another, her own power expands as a result.
  • Sisterhood is sacred. She celebrates her sisters from a space of love. Celebration dissolves her comparison, judgment, jealousy, or competition.
  • When life gets hard, she finds the lesson and celebrates her growth and expansion.
  • When life is painful, she celebrates her ability to feel.
  • Celebration is a choice. She can choose it any instant. Celebration turns her breakdowns into breakthroughs.

Empowered action for you to take this week:
Find a woman who makes you jealous, angry, resentful, or envious and find one thing to celebrate about her. Notice how your energy shifts when you simply celebrate her gifts from a space of love. As a bonus, reach out to her and love her up for who she is in the world.

To your empowerment and freedom,

P.S. I’d love to hear from you! What makes you an empowered woman? Comment below to let me know.


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